Barry:It still is, but even ore so then. He seemed to be enamored of his Army experience, and that was his primary identification all his life, especially since he never really had a job of any sort. Barry:They have their own printing presses, their own journals. Andhe said, I don't understand. He recalled one instance when his grade school son, Isaac, wanted to go play in the woods with his friend, but his volunteer body guard stopped him from going. Rigo: Now, Rushton tries to avoid mentioning the crux of the argument, but Donahue kind of does a translation. When I looked at that, I said, "Here, finally, is a Nazi I don't have to worry about. WebBest List of Phil Donahue Shows Tarantos Turf 67 videos 7,939 views Last updated on Jun 4, 2022 Dr Khalid,David Duke, Farrakhan,Rush Limbaugh ,WWF and lots more. It's kind of a misunderstanding, or a misuse of Darwin's theory of evolution, and it's actually interesting that it's Darwin's cousin, his half cousin, Sir Francis Galton, who really advocates for this idea of genetic determinism. Lisa:All pretty common accusations that anyone who is coming against neo Nazis, even today. We're losing. The precursor to all the daytime talk shows that arose during the 1980's and 90's. These ideas just stay in the public consciousness, they don't go away again, and all the work that he did to expose it doesn't really make it stop. Lisa:Hi, Rigo. Rigo:Close. The Czech army officers have more conference penises. I think it's important to acknowledge that what they're gonna say is intellectually dishonest, and therefor it doesn't provide a better understanding of them or their ideas. Barry:I mean, to this day I can't, you know, tell you what that does to me. All this stuff would arrive at my door, you know, and no other name, I just, you know, myself and but, but I was no- Nobody knew me. Uploaded by Barry:You know when you don't want to know? One were actual scientists working on projects that Pioneer though w- would have results that could be exploited for their political agenda. Instead, they used various combinations. Rigo:They're successful in keeping their names out of the press, and no one ties the race science they fund to them. web pages The worst thing they could do would be to harm you, and I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen, so for now, you just We have to stick together.". Using stories from sciences past to understand our world. Rigo:No one has proven that these threats came from The Pioneer Fund, but what we do know is that The Pioneer Fund actually hired a private investigation firm. I, I think they hate him, which raises the question for me, you know, he might be this prestigious academic, but if he's not popular, if his ideas are this controversial, how does he keep having the platform that he has? And one day while he was reading The Thunderbolt, Barry sees a familiar name, William Shockley. Rigo:And since then, Mehler has always operated under the assumption that Nazis never really went away, and as it turns out, he's right. Rigo:Mehler not only sent out his subscriptions, but he was also a due paying member of white supremacist organizations. So when things got hot, you wanted to make sure everything was locked down. There's two things that were going on. MSNBC canceled Phil Donahues talkshow after an internal memo (leaked to the All Your TV website, 2/25/03) argued that he would be a difficult public face for NBC in a time of war. Search the history of over 797 billion Lisa:Not surprised to hear that they're not just spewing hateful ideas, they're acting on them. Lisa:Oh my God, I'm afraid to ask, Rigo, but you're gonna tell me. Listen to this. So Draper he's very proud of that. Respectable scientists and academics were promoting these ideas, which is why Draper starts making friends in high up places in the eugenics world, and he kind of finds an ideological soulmate in a man named Harry Laughlin. One, it immediately made its way to the mainstream press, and gave the impression that there was now new genetic evidence to prove that there was a difference in intelligence among races. Rigo:So just to give you an update on what Mehler's been up to recently, I asked him about some hot water he got into, and I'll play you some tape. So I want to take you back to the 1990s with this video that I found on YouTube. So now my anti racism was, was visible, very visible. Is this a secret conspiracy, or is any of it happening in the open? There's a cost to negative publicity, and that maybe he's learned that, uh, there is a way of funding the kinds of, um, activities that he's, uh, in favor of without making them very prominent. He started learning about the Klu Klux Klan, the right wing fascism and neo Nazis, and the thought about this stuff more and more until he reached a conclusion. I can't imagine how Barry Mehler feels watching this all explode and then kind of die down and become less controversial again. Every place I went for a scientist, uh, or a- an activist who had been involved in these issues, there was connections between them and Draper and Pioneer. What's going on with him? And that's one of the things that The Pioneer Fund was able to do was to create outlets so that they could publish, they could review each other, they could support each other, and they could create this sense that this is a legitimate academic enterprise when, in fact, in the legitimate academic world, nobody was even aware that they existed. And thus not remediable to major degrees by practical improvements in the environment. Lisa:I appreciate how clearly Barry Mehler gets to the heart of the issue. James Moll conducted the interview on May 9, 2001 in New York, NY. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. Let's switch gears and talk about the bearded guy on the right, who has amazing muttonchops. However, The Pioneer Fund and the Mankind Quarterly are not just any other source. Wh- why is there all this hatred? Lisa:Wow, this is delightful daytime content. Rigo:One of Barry Mehler's racist subscriptions was a newspaper called The Thunderbolt. Lisa:Oh, great. Please tell me someone noticed that this was happening. Rigo:Arthur Jensen in particular got more than a million dollars from them. He wants us to mention that he has throat cancer, and that his voice is strained. And it's a label they pin on people and then you don't even attend to what the person said. Despite what most people would agree were really problematic endeavors, Pearson did not have trouble finding a job in academia. I'm sure the teenagers loved it. Rigo:Shockley, and Jensen, and dozens of other academics share more than just dangerous ideas. I mean, I wish that some of the millions of people who watch that video would, like, learn about his work, his life's work. WebThe Phil Donahue Show, also known as Donahue, is an American television talk show hosted by Phil Donahue that ran for 26 years on national television. the video in question is 14 minute long course introduction that he sent out to his students students earlier this month. And even after his death, Pioneer continued the same tradition, which was the distribution of unsolicited works to various individuals in the hopes that it would influence public policy. Although it was widely dismissed, it is still cited today as evidence that white people are smarter than Black people, and it's all biological. Essentially, it gave racists a cover story. He openly endorsed it. Bill:Usually people wanting their research to be funded take the initiative to contact funding agency and say, "Hey, look. Barry:The word pioneer has a real meaning to these people. I have a position at Ferris State University. it's an offer that, uh, for $9,999, I can go with him on a tour of Antarctica to tour the Nazi's secret flying saucer base, or for $9.99, I could get a replica, a model of the Of the Nazi flying saucer which was a Frisbee with a swastika on it. Rigo:Exactly. WebEmployment at the Library & Archives. And since these race scientists all knew each other, the journal became kind of like an echo chamber, and they all praised and cited each other's work to give it the veneer of legitimate science. We were the leaders in the field. Los Angeles - 1985 - Janet Leigh Jamie Lee Curtis.mp4, Terms of Service (last updated 12/31/2014). He wrote the Funding of Scientific Racism. I want my name to be associated with my work. Rigo:Yeah, and in fact the Pioneer Fund was very pro-active in finding these race scientists. Just to give you an example of how this works, the journal Nature currently has an impact score of 40, and the Mankind Quarterly sits below one, but none of this mattered to the people in the Mankind Quarterly. Lisa:Chapter Two: The Mankind Quarterly. Talk about context and urgency, that is what people understood, and that's why they were so upset at what I was doing. American media personality Phil Donahue is famous for pioneering and hosting "The Phil Donahue Show," later known as "Donahue." on December 8, 2022, There are no reviews yet. I mean, he's, he's this well spoken fellow in a nice suit. WebFrom July 2002 to March 2003, Phil briefly hosted a talk show on MSNBC. And so you know where his head's at. Phil Donahue Show Transcripts | Wellcome Collection. WZZM:We begin tonight with that viral video filled with profanity made by a long time Ferris state university, professor. Donahue:So what you mean a bigger brain means a smarter person, Phillipe Rushton on Donohueslightly so yes, on average. Lisa:Okay. Do you want to know what else was in Barry Mehler's mailbox? The user assumes responsibility for obtaining permission from the copyright holder to publish or distribute this image. They review each other's books, they write for each other's journals, so it creates a kind of universe, academic universe within a bubble that outside the bubble, no one takes them seriously, but inside the bubble, they can have a resume that looks rather impressive. Rigo:Yeah, that's completely right. They wanted the ideas out but not their name. This is the Nazis in suits strategy that was so part of their message. This is Barry Mehler. Barry Mehler on Donohue:He's got a study that compares Nigerian medical. The real scientists. So which is bigger, long or fat. And I couldn't give a flying any longer and to the administration and no limit of an administrator is going to tell me how to teach my classes because I'm a tenured professor. Lisa:In a way, this kind of makes sense for how academia works. This is an episode from the spring of 1990. It makes me think of the Donahue interview with Rushton. Rigo:Exactly, and they develop a playbook to ensure their survival. Barry:He is eventually recognized by the Nazi government in 1936, both because of his work in the sterilization area, but also because he was a major proponent of the so called Racial Integrity Laws, the laws that prohibited people from being married if they were from different races. This episode examines a much more overt kind of scientific racism: by telling the story of a racist, wealthy, underground confederacythat has funded nearly every race scientist out there. They didn't really care about the science, but they relied on the science to give some sort of validity to their claims of racial inferiority, and Arthur Jensen was literally a star. Lisa:So they really do move underground. You might get something, but raise that up to 25 million to a really public place where i- it's the same thing as w- wearing the kippah. Ironically, the Third Reich thought that this was too extreme for them, and so they didn't use the one drop of Jewish blood made you Jewish. I mean, it's just like the whole nature of the argument, you really want to take the most vulgar, racist argument and dress it up with the most foolish threadbare data points in order to make the claim that, that Black people have large genitalia and small brains. Laughlin gave them a kind of eugenics spin, giving them a kind of scientific veneer that they didn't have before the Eugenics Movement came along. The ideology, the quote, unquote, "scientific support for racial hierarchy," This stuff is getting mainstreamed in the 1990s, isn't it? Rigo:Yeah. Lisa:That makes sense. And I wasn't just calling them Nazis, I was putting out a context to show that this was a fascist endeavor, and that these people were not only Neo Nazis, but they were just old fashioned Nazis, and I think that it was one of the reasons why they hated me so much. He left most of his money to The Pioneer Fund, much to the chagrin of his close family, and The Pioneer Fund handed out more money two years after his death than in the entire period of 1937 to 1972. You want to publish if you can in a journal with a higher impact score rather than a lower impact score. His work inspired others like Bill Tucker to follow the money, and the thing that really stood out to me about Mehler's writing was that there was a sense of urgency. Commercials were cut during the broadcast. The more citations, the more funding, the more chances to become tenured. Lisa:Let me guess the angle here. After the publishing of The Bell Curve, and the controversy surrounding it, The Pioneer Fund decided to step out of the spotlight and continue doing the things they knew how to do well since 1937, which was to mail out unsolicited propaganda to prominent scientists and politicians. The Phil Donahue Show with John Wayne (1976) John Wayne appears on a 1976 episode of Donahue in front of an audience largely populated by women, and he Library & Archives Newsletter. This is taken from a "Classic Donahue" rerun in 1996. 5 (May, 1992), Counseling, Crossdressers, Gender dysphoria, Gender studies, LGBTQ+ relationships, Sexology, Transsexual people, American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), Ari Kane, Institute for Sexology, KDPR, Outreach Institute of Gender Studies (OIGS), The David Susskind Program, The Geraldo Show, The Phil Donahue Show, Theseus Counseling Service, WBUR Boston, WEEI Boston, WHDH Boston, WICE Providence, Clothing, Crossdressers, Crossdressing, Discrimination, Drag, Families, Finances, Gender realignment surgery, Jewelry, Law, Prisons, Transsexual people, Be All You Want to Be, Carlo Seta, Chillecothe Correctional Institute, Christine Jorgensen, Diane Kendall, Indiana Crossdresser Society, Sally Jessie Raphael Show, The Phil Donahue Show, Magazine name changed from "Cross-Port" starting with Vol. Rigo:Roger Pearson was a British guy who starting in 1958 ran a neo Nazi publication called Northern World out of a British tea plantation in Kolkata, India. Okay, I don't want to make fun of the name in case there's somebody out there who's totally harmless who shares it, but of course that's the name of our rich racist villain. What he's just been talking about. Rigo:Bill Tucket says that when Shockley came out as a racist in the 1960s, The Pioneer Fund must have felt like they won the lottery without even buying a ticket. Having said that, The Pioneer Fund succeeded in their eugenic ideas surviving. He had his own moment on the Phil Donahue Show in 1980. So I'm gonna go back to that book in a bit. WebIn his four-and-a-half hour Archive interview, Phil Donahue describes the meandering path that led to hosting his long-running talk show, The Phil Donahue Show aka Donahue. What's it gonna be? I mean at the time it was released, The Bell Curve, I, I know was widely discredited by a lot of mainstream scientists. Lisa:Okay. There are no reviews yet. They wanted to sue me for libel, and throughout my career, I have been at risk of being sued for libel because, you know, you, you call people Nazis, and, you know, they get upset, and no one has ever been happy that I exposed their racist and right wing connections. You know, for God's sakes, we're feeding them breakfast. His claim to fame was being an expert witness in Buck v. Bell, where the Supreme Court ruled in favor of allowing states to force sterilizations on people with intellectual disabilities. WebPhil Donahue Show Transcripts (Transcripts), 1981-1982 Scope and Contents The Lectures, Speeches, Interviews series primarily consists of material related to the many lectures, The result: Donahue, the longest running syndicated talk show in television history with its 29 year on-air reign. First, I believe it is not hypocritical, though it does sometimes express erroneous views. They made a lot of anonymous donations, or passed the money through foundations and non profits. Their desire is to have a platform to disseminate their ideas, and we would be giving them platform if we allow them to speak to here. Rigo:Okay. This is why the book claims blacks are disproportionately living in poverty and also more likely to commit crime. The pioneer fund has been the key source of funding for the last 20 years of scientists who have produced the material. It's like Rushton wants to dress it up in jargon so you don't notice how hateful the premise is, but Mehler just cuts right to the chase. Rigo:Orthodox Jewish men and boys wear a kippah, or a skullcap every day. Bill:He went on then to become the editor of a publication called The New Patriot. Donahue's guests are two middle aged men who could really pass as accountants. Bottom line, Wickliffe Draper's money makes the journal possible. Lisa:Wickliffe Preston Draper. Barry's Jewish identity was visible to everyone all the time. 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