The King of Swords is a symbol of intellectual power and authority and has the courage and intellect to achieve all that he desires. He searches within himself for the answers, making him feel cold and detached and also coming across that way. Grey clouds symbolize temporary and fleeting thoughts, while two birds are flying over them. The King of Swords represents someone who has feelings for you but is trying their hardest not to show them. These are very good traits to have, and this is why they appear as a positive, strength, or advantage in your Tarot spread. This confrontation can either be taken to be as a sign of warfare between the men, or that all of them are in reality taking part in the adrenaline rush of this war, and that the opposition among them is of a good natured rivalry, no longer anger. Maybe you find nothing interesting to talk about, feelings have subsided, or you are growing tired of misunderstandings. The King of Swords, in reverse, denotes either a complete disregard for emotions or allowing sadness and resentment to distort your thoughts. Think about it thoroughly and in privacy. They might not be showing you as much consideration or awareness about your feelings, which could mean they are being unfaithful and disregarding their own values in turn. Here we see the same lady in that we saw earlier inside the Eight of Swords - and perhaps, she was subsequently launched, however haunted via the nightmares of the suffering she endured even as she became left and deserted. The Swords Suit gets its share of being a negative suit. A psychic will see the tarot cards in a symbiotic relationship with one another, never try to read them one by one, but the whole drawing as a whole. The King of Swords reversed means that they see you as someone they dont need to spare their attention for. You need a distraction that will help you get through your grief. When the King of Swords speaks, everyone pays close attention to his words. Indecisive and careless, they might hurt themselves or their loved ones in their confusion. You dont dismiss emotions, you just acknowledge them for what they are and let them come and go, focusing on reason and tangible ideas. That would be a clever individual who is head over heart. Faithful. If you are asking about an exs intentions, the King of Swords shows that they see you as someone who theyve thought a great deal about. The King of Swords Tarot Card as How Someone Thinks of You, The King of Swords Reversed as How Someone Thinks of You, The King of Swords Tarot Card as Feelings, The King of Swords Tarot Card as a Situation, The King of Swords Reversed as a Situation, The King of Swords Tarot Card as Intentions / What Someone Wants, The King of Swords Reversed as Intentions / What Someone Wants. Being the fool is the first card in your traditional tarot deck, he can also see you as the beginnings to something fresh and new in his lifeespecially if he's the polar opposite. It could be the case where one of the partners, usually the abusive one, has a higher education or high paying career, therefore tries to control the other by being their boss and showing them how much they lack compared to them. The Knight of Swords indicates someone is feeling strongly determent and straightforward. There is nothing lacking, youre on the right path to success in most or all of your lifes endeavours. In this context, the King of Swords turns into a ruthless oppressor who doesnt care about other people. Know what you deserve, and release the toxic people who are no longer serving you. This serious character who loves rules and concepts is fascinated by the imaginative power and simplicity of games. 9 of wands + Nine of swords: Putting too much pressure on oneself to be perfect. The King of Swords represents a master of intelligence. One has to devise a feasible plan, stick with it, and proceed with the necessary steps to carry it out. You are there to always help others, and you try to be just. In the Rider Waite deck introduced in 1910, the illustration on the card shows a grown man sitting on a throne in a valley, or more likely atop a mountain. Your email address will not be published. His sharp mind loves puzzles, games, and solving problems. The King of Swords is thought of as an expert in his field. Essex Magistrate: What is your husband's religion? Perhaps you tend to question everything and dont care for rules, courtesy, and authority. Answer (1 of 6): Generally, it might mean that the person in question is observing you in a strategic manner, gathering information, learning and questioning this information and looking at all sides of it. His vast knowledge and inventive mind make him an expert in his field. It represents someone who is rationalizing what they dont understand, trying to explain away a situation to feel they are in control. This card is a sign of a sharp mind. Your bond is something that always stays top of mind its important enough for them never to take lightly. He has high standards for everyone around him, and he expects others to act with integrity. You are not someone to jump into anything. The sword is crafted for battle and for cutting through obstacles, not for showing off how smart or capable one is. Need intuitive advice but wary of getting scammed? He radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. He is sure of himself and believes in head over heart. He bases his judgements on logic and fact and honesty NOT emotions. - he/she sees you as a "trouble" or a possible one. Discard beliefs that have no proof, and let the negative thoughts pass you by and vanish like a breeze. Battles may await in the future, but you wont be uncertain and defenseless if you are adequately prepared. Play by the rules even if that puts you at a disadvantage. The King of King of Swords Tarot Card Meaning: Love, Health, Money & More The King of Swords in tarot reflects routine, and level-headedness. They are highly intelligent people, and usually highly educated. The Queen of Swords is someone who is a great counselor with a sharp wit and she knows how to give just the right kind of assistance. The King of Swords, in reverse, indicates a cunning person who aspires to be a puppet master. Ultimately, the King of Swords might be misunderstood as cold and not caring, but this happens because he has detached himself from volatile emotions that would otherwise affect his decisions. The King of Swords radiates intellectual power, clear thinking, truth, and authority. Whichever method you use to pull the card, listed below are some of the questions and answers you may get when you pull the King of Swords. The King of Swords is a positive, though ambivalent card when it shows up in a love reading. This is often a mask for fear. The King of Swords calls on you to control your thoughts and train your mind. The King represents a mature male figure or male energy. You might never see them cry or complain. An independent thinker. Stand up and state your case if you think somebody in the workspace is crossing the line and disrespecting boundaries. And the 3 of pents being the master craftsmanmeaning what will be created will be of high caliber; - someone who is giving and generous unless ill dinified; - they respect you and hold you in high regard - They sense they can control you; - materialistic and only looks out for themselves without thought for other people; - The Emperor, for me is about taking control, or taking charge. He is in a transformation and feels very low on self confidence. Our expert Tarot readers are here to help. King of Swords Guide The Tarot Card of the Challenge that Grows You, Queen of Swords Guide The Tarot Card of Inner Strength and Wisdom, Knight of Swords Guide The Tarot Card of the Quick Wit and Risk Taker, Enjoying mental games, deep conversationalist, Being a skilled communicator, verbal skills, articulate, Being just, honest, impartial and objective, Using your intelligence to dominate others. They talk about themself and their issues incessantly but no one else is given that space. Although theres always the element of reasonable doubt to consider, this card is all about efficient, direct, and simple solutions. In this kind of drawings, the King of Swords may come up straight, as well as reversed. The Three of Pentacles shows a young apprentice who works in a cathedral. Can indicate them seeing person as willing to surrender perhaps; - that he feels deeply for her, his feelings shine brightly for all to see, and his feelings are probably very pure as well, untainted by selfish desires; - convention, an almost unsurmountable obstacle in my own personal experience and therefore somewhat discouraging; - very intuitive, wise and yes mysterious; - The person either is from their past (and judged them harshly, or changed their life) or they're not. The Knight of Swords upright is seen as a powerful, impressive youth, full of energy and courage. They are attracted to the allure of your fascinating mind. The King of Swords, in reverse, still inspires respect and awe in others, but his shady personality and his disregard for feelings make him dubious, if not provocative. ); - In the 3 of Wands, the ships are coming back to port. When the King of Swords appears reversed in the future position, it isnt a very positive omen. This behavior is not due to malice, but because of a firm belief that they know what is right and wrong. This is a strong indication of whats ahead an exciting future. The King of Swords is a reminder to have high standards for ourselves and for others. Maybe another card, like the Ace or King of Cups, would help you move from the cold world of reason to the warmth of sympathy and understanding. When the King of Swords appears in the future position, it denotes long-term stability and maturity in your way of thinking. As an obstacle, the King of Swords reversed symbolizes overthinking, downplaying emotions, suspicion, and a lack of focus. Love is easy to say and hard to do. You shuffle the cards, then choose only One Card, or you read the One Card that falls out while you are shuffling. In a positive Tarot reading, the King of Swords can indicate that you are someone who is highly intellectual with good reasoning skills. The Swords Suit, along with the King of Swords, is also an exciting drawing. This individual finds it difficult to challenge their assumptions. Try stating your case in a way that doesnt offend them, and accept that, sometimes, you might as well be wrong. They see you as someone who pushes them to be a better version of themselves and someone who challenges them and makes them maintain high standards. This card depicts a king sitting on his throne while holding up a sword. People represented by this card rarely make split-second decisions, preferring instead to weigh the pros and cons of almost any situation. You may realize that your perception is not as objective as you thought it was, and that opinions that differ from yours can sometimes be right. In a new environment, he's is not likely to say much. The King of Swords represents a person with an Air Zodiac sign. The King of Swords is wearing a blue tunic with orange dress underneath. Upright, the card means Yes. You even dont like change that much because you may like steady growth, and once you reach a certain financial and social status, you like to keep it that way and not risk your reputation or finances. The King of Swords is a man of justice and a man who always discerns with his head and never his heart. When people saw this scene, their first reaction was: "Summoners aren't so exaggerated, okay?" Druid is one of the more familiar summoners among the hundreds of clans. The King of Swords tarot card shows a king who sits on his throne while holding a double-edged sword that points upwards in his right hand. When the King of Swords appears reversed in a love reading, it means that either you or your partner find communicating difficult. The challenge of the King of Swords is to defeat and surpass his very own mind. The clouds of doubt wont stay for long, but they will interfere with your mind.
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