She states that she started taking birth control pills 3 weeks ago and that she smokes. Which of the following is a possible side effect of this drug? 14. The nurse is teaching the client how to use a metered dose inhaler (MDI) to administer a Corticosteroid drug. The best method of oxygen administration for client with COPD uses: Once you are finished, click the button below. The most reliable index to determine the respiratory status of a client is to: Observe the skin and mucous membrane color, Determine the presence of a femoral pulse. These are two NCLEX review questions for health assessment. This should not be recommended because it is similar to the Valsalva maneuver, which can stimulate cardiac dysrhythmias. 2. The fluid forms a solid mass, which prevents the remaining lung from being drawn into the space. Use sedatives to ensure uninterrupted sleep at night. 4. 2. Monitor for pulmonary embolism. Collapsed neck veins It is important for clients with allergic rhinitis to determine the precipitating factors so that they can be avoided. Corticosteroids act as an expectorant Corticosteroids promote bronchodilation The client should eat high-calorie, high-protein meals to maintain nutritional status and prevent weight loss that results from the increased work of breathing. To promote carbon dioxide elimination. NCLEX Strategies: How to Answer Tricky Questions; 75 Free NCLEX Practice Questions; NCLEX in Canada: Comprehensive Guide on Applications and Requirements; Fluid and Electrolytes Questions in NCLEX; NCLEX Pharmacology Practice Questions; CNOR Study Questions; Fundamentals of Nursing Questions with Rationale Pursed lip breathing prolongs exhalation and prevents air trapping in the alveoli, thereby promoting carbon dioxide elimination. Decreased PaCO2, decreased PaO2, and increased pH. “Is there any possibility that you could be pregnant?” Diminished, not increased, chest excursion is associated with COPD. 1. Side effects of pseudoephedrine are experienced primarily in the cardiovascular system and through sympathetic effects on the CNS. Also explore over 206 similar quizzes in this category. A client has an order to have radial ABG drawn. Answer: 1. 1. 2. Written by a leader in the healthcare exam industry. 12. Atropine and Versed would be administered before the procedure, not after. FREE NCLEX-RN QUESTION- PATIENT EDUCATION. Corticosteroids have an anti-inflammatory effect, Corticosteroids prevent development of respiratory infections. 2. Clients with COPD use low-flow oxygen supplementation (1 to 2 L/minute) to avoid suppressing the respiratory drive, which, for these clients, is stimulated by hypoxia. Positioning the client on the operative side facilitates the accumulation of serosanguineous fluid. Removes the cap and shakes the inhaler well before use. NCLEX RN Practice Question # 823. Diarrhea exam mode – questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, 3. Prevent infection. This chapter covers terms and skills you'll need to know for the NCLEX-RN exam section on caring for patients with respiratory disorders, including diagnostic tests, pharmacology categories, and exam prep questions. 29. A build-up of carbon dioxide. 48. 2. 37. Nutrition nclex practice quiz 10 items this or that paeral nutrition nclex practice quiz 20 items nutrition nclex practice quiz 10 items nurseslabs nclex practice questions nutrition and copd respiratory basic. Best NCLEX Review - Hurst Updated to 2013 Test Plan Pass the first try - Guaranteed! 4. Incorporate physical exercise as tolerated into the treatment plan. 2. 1. The nurse auscultates her lungs and hears diffuse crackles. 2. Respiratory NCLEX Rationales 1. Included topics in this practice quiz are: Follow the guidelines below to make the most out of this exam: In Exam Mode: All questions are shown, but the results, answers, and rationales (if any) will only be given after you’ve finished the quiz. 3. Lifting after exhalation but before inhaling is similar to lifting with the breath held. Promote expectoration You are given one minute per question. Preventing infection would be a goal of care for the client with COPD. Answer: 3. NCLEX Question #39: Nutrition and COPD (Respiratory/Basic Care and Comfort) Answer: D. Achieve and maintain a healthy weight. Respiratory alkalosis NCLEX Practice Questions: Chronic Pain in Multiple Sclerosis (Fundamentals/Basic Care and Comfort) It will need to be treated with an antibiotic.” Cyanosis is a late sign of hypoxia. States that he will use oxygen via a nasal cannula at 5 L/minute. 3. Based on these findings, what action should the nurse take to initiate care of the client? Administer oxygen at 2 L/minute and no more, for if the client if emphysemic and receives too high a level of oxygen, he will develop CO2 narcosis and the respiratory system will cease to function. Use of oral inhalant corticosteroids, such as flunisolide, can lead to the development of oral thrush, a fungal infection. 8. Corticosteroids do not have a bronchodilator effect, act as expectorants, or prevent respiratory infections. Practice Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. Overly developed, not underdeveloped, neck muscles are associated with COPD because of their increased use in the work of breathing. It should go away in a couple of weeks.” Pursed-lip breathing does not promote the intake of oxygen, strengthen the diaphragm, or strengthen intercostal muscles. Occupational exposure to toxins Exam Mode – Questions and choices are randomly arranged, time limit of 1min per question, answers and grade will be revealed after finishing the exam. Assume a side-lying position, extend the arm over the head, and alternate deep breathing with coughing. Apple RN Classes. “You have developed a fungal infection from your medication. The client is getting dehydrated and needs to increase her fluid intake to decrease secretions. High calorie, high-protein diet. answers and rationale for nclex questions about airway. Activity intolerance related to dyspnea Encourage the client to relax and breathe slowly through the mouth Nurseslabs – NCLEX Practice Questions, Nursing Study Guides, and Care Plans, Asthma and COPD NCLEX Practice Quiz #2 (50 Questions), 3,500+ NCLEX-RN Practice Questions for Free, 20 NCLEX Tips and Strategies Every Nursing Students Should Know, My NCLEX Experience: Study Tips and Resources for Nursing Students, 6 Easy Ways on How Nurses Can Master the Art of Delegation, 12 Tips to Answer NCLEX Select All That Apply (SATA) Questions, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), Nursing Test Bank and Nursing Practice Questions for Free, NCLEX Practice Questions Test Bank (2021 Update), Nursing Pharmacology Practice Questions & Test Bank for NCLEX (500+ Questions), Arterial Blood Gas Analysis Made Easy with Tic-Tac-Toe Method, Select All That Apply NCLEX Practice Questions and Tips (100 Items), IV Flow Rate Calculation NCLEX Reviewer & Practice Questions (60 Items), EKG Interpretation & Heart Arrhythmias Cheat Sheet. 3. 3. 22. 2. While exhaling through pursed lips A 36-year-old woman with 3 children NCLEX Examination. An elderly client has been ill with the flu, experiencing headache, fever, and chills. How many mL should the nurse administer each dose? Corticosteroids have an anti-inflammatory effect practice, practice, practice . Nonoperative side or back Waits 1 to 2 minutes between puffs if more than one puff has been prescribed. Answer: 2. Try this amazing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Multiple Choice quiz which has been attempted 5152 times by avid quiz takers. Which of the following outcomes would be appropriate for a client with COPD who has been discharged to home? A fifty-year-old client has a tracheostomy and requires tracheal suctioning. Right-sided heart failure is a complication of COPD that occurs because of pulmonary hypertension. 10. The client has not been taking her decongestants and bronchodilators as prescribed. Which of the following physical assessment findings would the nurse expect to find in a client with advanced COPD? Which of the following instructions would be appropriate for the nurse to give the client? Low-Sodium diet Administer oxygen at 2 L flow per minute. While taking the client’s VS, the nurse notices he has an irregular pulse. OXYGENATION AND OXYGEN DELIVERY NURSING. Administer oxygen at 10 L flow per minute and check the client’s nail beds. The blood sample may be taken safely if collateral circulation is adequate. The client requires immediate intervention with inhaled bronchodilators, intravenous corticosteroids, and possibly intravenous theophylline. 26. The nurse monitors the client for which side effect of this medication? A nurse administers the medication, knowing that the primary action of this medication is to: Relax smooth muscles of the bronchial airway. 1. Non-rebreather mask 3. NCLEX-RN Practice Exam - Part 1 | 50 Q\u0026A with rationales | QUESTIONS ARE READ TWICE5 tips for Studying for NCLEX and 5 Tips for Studying in Nursing School Comprehensive Review Video 1 NCLEX-RN Exam questions with answers 2020 || NCLEX RN review videos with rationale 2020 Part 67 Respiratory System Review Questions HOW TO PASS THE NCLEX IN 2020 // The Ultimate NCLEX Guide NCLEX … A daily brisk walk will help promote drainage.” Respiratory Nclex Questions And Answers Gewala De. 2. Clubbing of nail beds 28. View Questions. Cigarette smoke can also trigger asthma attacks, but to a lesser extent than viral respiratory infections. Which of the following s/s would be included in the teaching plan? Experience less nasal obstruction and discharge. nclex practice exam for pharmacology: respiratory practice mode – questions and choices are randomly arranged, the answer is revealed instantly after each question, and there is no time limit for the exam. Take a deep abdominal breath, bend forward, and cough 3 to 4 times on exhalation, Lie flat on back, splint the thorax, take two deep breaths and cough, Take several rapid, shallow breaths and then cough forcefully, Assume a side-lying position, extend the arm over the head, and alternate deep breathing with coughing. Diseases of the Respiratory System 2. 2. A decreasing oxygen pressure in the blood A female client comes into the emergency room complaining of SOB and pain in the lung area. ... SATELLITE MODEM SOLUTIONS FOR''asthma and copd nclex practice quiz 2 50 questions june 19th, 2018 - respiratory problems are the common reasons for admission to the intensive care unit icu and common comorbidity in patients Metaproterenol may cause irregular heartbeat, tachycardia, or anginal pain because of its adrenergic effect on the beta-adrenergic receptors in the heart. Sodium bicarbonate (3) would be given to reverse acidosis; mechanical ventilation (1) may be ordered for acute respiratory acidosis. October 29, 2019 Staff 0 Comments. To promote oxygen intake A client has just returned to a nursing unit following bronchoscopy. Tags. An increasing oxygen pressure and/or a decreasing carbon dioxide pressure in the blood. A client with acute asthma is prescribed short-term corticosteroid therapy. Although adequate sleep is important, it is not recommended that sedatives be routinely taken to induce sleep. You are given 1 minute per question, a total of 10 minutes in this quiz. 2. Start studying NUR 317 NCLEX questions for ASTHMA and COPD med surg I. Increased chest excursions with respiration. A nurse has delegated care of a client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) to a nursing assistant. Stressors in the client’s life should be modified but cannot be totally eliminated. Finding help online is nearly impossible. Ineffective breathing pattern related to alveolar hypoventilation. 29. Tachycardia, not bradycardia, is a side effect of pseudoephedrine. Air is trapped in the overextended alveoli, and the ribs are fixed in an inspiratory position. If you leave this page, your progress will be lost. Pneumonia 1. ANSWER C. Chronic lymphocytic leukemia shows a proliferation of small abnormal mature B lymphocytes and decreased antibody response. NCLEX: 99 Questions and answers about airway - Obstruction and Asthma A 34-year-old woman with a history of asthma is admitted to the emergency department. A client is receiving isoetharine hydrochloride (Bronkosol) via a nebulizer. This client may have pulmonary embolism, so she should be monitored for this condition (4), but it is not the first intervention. 4. Fever, chills, hemoptysis, dyspnea, cough, and pleuric chest pain are the common symptoms of pneumonia, but elderly clients may first appear with only an altered mental status and dehydration due to a blunted immune response. When developing a discharge plan to manage the care of a client with COPD, the nurse should anticipate that the client will do which of the following? You may also like these other quizzes and exam tip articles: is an education and nursing lifestyle website geared towards helping student nurses and registered nurses with knowledge for the progression and empowerment of their nursing careers. She states that she started taking birth control pills 3 weeks ago and that she smokes. In COPD, breath sounds are diminished because of an enlarged anteroposterior diameter of the chest. 19. 2. Back or either side. Giving O2 inhalation at a rate that is more than 2-3L/min can make the client lose his hypoxic drive which can be assessed as decreasing RR. 4. As the severe asthma attack worsens, the client becomes fatigued and alveolar hypotension develops. Answer: 2. The cause, as stated by the client, is the fatigue associated with the disease process. Exhaled after there is a normal inspiration 3. The chest rising and falling (1) is not conclusive of a patent airway. The wife who is caring for a husband with cancer has the highest priority of the clients described. Increasing activity will not control the client’s symptoms; in fact, walking outdoors may increase them if the client is allergic to pollen. Head is tilted down while inhaling the medication, Mouth is rinsed with water following administration, Client lies supine for 15 minutes following administration. Administer oxygen at 2 L flow per minute. Basilar crackles are usually heard during inspiration and are caused by sudden opening of the alveoli. States that he will use oxygen via a nasal cannula at 5 L/minute. The high PaCO2 level causes flushing due to vasodilation. However, the position should Page 6/30. 12. The development of a purulent cough and crackles may be indicative of a bacterial infection are not consistent with a diagnosis of influenza. The nurse explains that the tidal volume is the amount of air: 1. 3. 3. Answer: 2. A 60-year-old man with a hiatal hernia Our ultimate goal is to help address the nursing shortage by inspiring aspiring nurses that a career in nursing is an excellent choice, guiding students to become RNs, and for the working nurse – helping them achieve success in their careers! The patient is primarily concerned about their ability to breath easily. Inhales the mist and quickly exhales. The client with asthma should be taught that which of the following is one of the most common precipitating factors of an acute asthma attack? >>NCLEX Review Questions — Test Yourself! Not administer oxygen unless ordered by the physician. 3. Practice Question # 823. nclex examination. ) After resuming an upright position, the client should use abdominal breathing to slowly and deeply inhale. Passing the NCLEX comes down to 3 things . Dressing change (1) and humidity (2) do not relate to suctioning. Answer: 3. 38. 4. Also, this page requires javascript. 1. 1250+ Exam Questions; Q & A With Rationales; Alt. In relation to oxygen, the first nursing action would be to: Wait until the client’s lab work is done. 3. Ineffective breathing pattern may be a problem, but this diagnosis does not specifically address the problem of weight loss described by the client. Minimizing chest pain Individuals who are household members or home care providers for high-risk individuals are high-priority targeted groups for immunization against influenza to prevent transmission to those who have a decreased capacity to deal with the disease. 2. questions and answers respiratory system. Answer: 1. Coarse crackles and rhonchi would be auscultated as air moves through airways obstructed with secretions. He tells the nurse that he has painful, white patches in his mouth. Listen and feel the air movement. The high PaCO2 level causes flushing due to vasodilation. While inhaling through an open mouth. A build-up of carbon dioxide a. Ensuring the return of the gag reflex before offering foods or fluids. The client should immediately be placed on oxygen via mask so that the SaO2 is brought up to 95%. What is the rationale for the use of steroids in clients with asthma? Irregular heart rates should be reported promptly to the care provider. Which of the following questions is of most importance to the nurse assessing this client? Answer: 4. 33. A client with allergic rhinitis asks the nurse what he should do to decrease his symptoms. 3. 4. 39. Which best describes the purpose of pursed-lip breathing in the client with COPD? A client is admitted to the hospital with acute bronchitis. NCLEX RN Practice Question # 655. Do not look for approval except for the consciousness of doing your best. 1. A decreasing oxygen pressure and/or an increasing carbon dioxide pressure in the blood. Removes the cap and shakes the inhaler well before use. Although crackles often indicate fluid in the alveoli, they may also be related to hypoventilation and will clear after a deep breath or a cough. The physician orders ABG’s, results are as follows: pH: 7.50; PaCO2 29 mm Hg; PaO2 60 mm Hg; HCO3- 24 mEq/L; SaO2 86%. “Ask the doctor for antibiotics. 4. NCLEX-RN Practice Test 2020 (50 Questions with Explained Answers)NCLEX Questions and Answers Strategies Passed the NCLEX in 60 Questions | My Study Plan, UWorld Scores, Mark Klimek, Pearson Vue Trick What I wish I knew before taking the NCLEX-RN | exam changes, UWORLD, etc. Immediately following a thoracentesis, which clinical manifestations indicate that a complication has occurred and the physician should be notified? A daily brisk walk will help promote drainage.”, “Keep a diary if when your symptoms occur. A nurse teaches a client about the use of a respiratory inhaler. Included topics in this practice quiz are: 1. An acceleration in oxygen dissociation from hemoglobin, and thus oxygen delivery to the tissues, is caused by: A decreasing oxygen pressure in the blood, An increasing carbon dioxide pressure in the blood. Fever, chills, hemoptysis, dyspnea, cough, and pleuric chest pain are the common symptoms of pneumonia, but elderly clients may first appear with only an altered mental status and dehydration due to a blunted immune response. A 50-year-old woman caring for a spouse with cancer Increased comfort level Increased PaCO2 Serosanguineous drainage from the puncture site Auscultation of the lung fields reveals greatly diminished breath sounds. . Rationale: Exacerbations of COPD are frequently caused by respiratory infections. 1. Administering small doses of midazolam (Versed). The client’s problem is altered nutrition—specifically, less than required. The COPD client must have an accurate and predictable FIO2 and a low liter flow (less than 6 l/minute) to prevent hypoxemia. practice.. To help you get the NCLEX questions practice you need to pass we have created a ton of resources including our 3,500 Question Bank (Nursing Practice Questions), to an NCLEX Question Podcast, to courses and so much more.. The client should immediately be placed on oxygen via mask so that the SaO2 is brought up to 95%. 1. Risk for infection related to suppressed immune response. It will need to be treated with an antibiotic.”. Increased PaCO2, decreased PaO2, and decreased pH. nclex questions and answers respiratory system. 1. 19. COPD inflammation of the lungs, ... Next Pediatric Nursing NCLEX Practice Questions with Rationales. respiratory nclex 3. 4. NCLEX Examination. View Questions. The most important item to ask about is the client’s pregnancy status because pregnant women should not be exposed to radiation. Lying flat does not enhance lung expansion; sitting upright promotes full expansion of the thorax. Which of the following individuals would the nurse consider to have the highest priority for receiving an influenza vaccination? The nurse understands that cardiac arrhythmias in chronic respiratory distress are usually the result of: 1. Hypertension is associated with left-sided heart failure. Activity intolerance related to dyspnea. A 50-year-old woman caring for a spouse with cancer. Relax smooth muscles of the bronchial airway. Whats people lookup in this blog: Nutrition Nclex Questions; Nutrition Nclex Questions Quizlet; Nutrition Nclex Questions With Rationale Chronic hypoxia associated with COPD may stimulate excessive RBC production (polycythemia). 4. Cardiac involvement usually doesn’t occur. 3. The client should bend forward slightly and, using pursed-lip breathing, exhale. Decongestants and bronchodilators are not typically prescribed for the flu. Clients become short of breath, have a high temperature, and usually experience severe pain but do not have a severe cough (4). A female client is scheduled to have a chest radiograph. A patient tells you that her urine is starting to look discolored. 1. Pediatric Nursing NCLEX 100 Practice Questions with Rationales. NCLEX Exam: Gastrointestinal Disorders (Sections 1) A client with peptic ulcer disease tells the nurse that he has black stools, which he has not reported to his physician. 27. The nursing assistant notifies the nurse that the client’s vital signs are elevated, and the client is complaining of pain and dyspnea. The client should assume a sitting position with feet on the floor if possible. Presses the canister down with finger as he breathes in. 4. Deflate the tracheal cuff. Free NCLEX Questions: NCLEX Practice Test Bank 2020 Posted on 21-Feb-2020. It is likely that the client is developing a secondary bacterial pneumonia. 1. Emphysema 2. Altered nutrition: Less than body requirements related to fatigue. Incorporate physical exercise as tolerated into the treatment plan. 25. Pain indicated pulmonary infection, it is likely that the medication, knowing that the medication knowing! Or her breath at least 10 to 15 seconds before exhaling the mist indicative of a client who is for... The collateral circulation to the Valsalva maneuver, which can stimulate cardiac dysrhythmias decongestant regularly. But permanent improvement is highly unlikely oxygen delivery to the Valsalva maneuver, which gives optimal lung.., pursed-lip breathing in the overextended alveoli, thereby promoting carbon dioxide is characteristic of advanced COPD upright position the. Co2 she is losing has not been taking benzonatate ( Tessalon Perles ) as prescribed should teach the on... 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